
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Play is a Child's Work

In preschool, play is more than just kids having fun. Play is also a child's work.

Through play, young children develop many important skills. It is important as an early childhood educator to recognize the role play has in educating young children.

  • Play is an opportunity for young children to develop socially and emotionally.
  • Play is an opportunity for young children to expand their imaginations and creativity.
  • Play is an opportunity for young children to explore and examine their world.
  • Play is an opportunity for young children to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
  • Play is an opportunity for young children to unwind, relax, and use up all that extra energy.
The next time your students are at play, don't be too quick to interupt. Take a minute to observe what they are doing and learning through their play.

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Copyright © 2009 Deborah J. Stewart, All Rights Reserved!

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