
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Daily Reports

Keeping parents informed of their child's activities, needs, and developmental progress is a critical part of a preschool teacher's job. One method for keeping parents informed is by offering parents a written report of their child's day.

A daily report can be short and simple but it should have your personal touch in the effort. Here are some tips on creating quality daily reports:

1. Make sure you write neatly.

2. Make sure you spell correctly.

Just these two tips alone make a big difference in your ability to present yourself professionally and to communicate effectively.

3. Include a variety of iformation in your daily reports such as the child's schedule, favorite activities, friends, eating habits, and so forth.

4. Avoid using the daily report as a tool for telling the bad news about a child's day. This should be a separate conversation or report. The daily report should be about a child's positive experiences, behaviors, growth, and development.

5. Think about what a parent wants to know that only you have the ability to share.

6. Keep the daily report short and concise - you don't have to write a novel - just something simple and personable every day builds a good source of communication over time.

7. If you use a photocopied daily report as a template - be sure the copies are clean and of good print quality. Over time, copied templates can start to look shabby and messy.

8. Remember: Every child is different and every daily report should be reflective of each individual child in your care.

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