
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can you teach a child to tie shoes like this?

Once again, I read a wonderful article titled "Shoe Club" by Matt Halpern.  Matt gives a wonderful plan for helping his students want to learn to tie their shoes that is a must read.

I, on the other hand, had fun doing a little search on YouTube of ways you can actually tie your shoe. Just for fun, see if any of these ideas work for you!

Video One

Video Two

Video Three

Video Four

Video Five

Video Six

Which way do you think is easiest? 


  1. Deborah - you are single-handedly making my hits go through the roof! Once again, thanks for your generous praise and reference to my blog. I feel like I owe you some chocolates... :)

  2. Matt,
    You and Teacher Tom and Brick by Brick and many others are all teachers in the classroom that model for all of us the realities and wonders of educating young children. For that - I greatly appreciate and find it better than chocolate:)

  3. I love the way you're connecting all of us Deborah. Thank you so much.

    One of the advantages of living where it rains for 9 months of the year, is that most of the kids just wear rain boots to school, which means very little shoe tying. Last week, I had the kids take their shoes off for wrestling, and every single one of them could put them back on without adult help. Not as impressive as what Matt does, but still . . . =)

  4. Deborah, what a great post! Have you used any of these techniques in the classroom? I had not heard much about alternative shoe tying methods, but I'm sure one of them must be easier for younger children to catch onto. I'm leaning more towards the Ian knot, because the one in the second video uses pinky fingers, and I don't think little ones have much pinky finger control yet.

  5. Hi Holly,
    Most of these are new to me as well? I really didn't know you could tie your shoes in so many different ways. I think I would have to practice them and get really good at doing some of these methods myself before I could teach them. So for now I just stick with the traditional form of tying shoes. But like Teacher Tom - I find many of my students are wearing shoes that don't even have laces. So teaching the skill of tying shoes requires more innovation on my part. I do think tying is an important skill:)

  6. I never knew other earlychildhood teachers blogged like I do until today! Check out my blog at

  7. thanks! I need some serious assistance in the tying shoe department. My girls has NO problem...but my boy is a little tougher!

  8. Wow, I had no idea there were so many ways to tie shoes!! Amazing!

  9. So cool! I only got to the second one kids are calling me...but I'll be back to check out the rest.

  10. That one handed video surprised me. I never knew you could tie them with one hand. I love your site!!

  11. Ok, I needed this. I am sad to admit, my first grader cannot tie his shoes. My excuse was that he broke his arm... but his cast has been off for a few months now. I keep saying I need to sit down and get this done. Maybe I can show him one of these videos and the magic will happen... hee-hee!

  12. Haha, Teaching Heart - one of those videos was how to tie with one hand:) Probably more difficult than it looks though! I hope the magic does start to happen as well.


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