
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

This week I received a wonderful award from Ayn who authors the blog Little Illuminations. 

Part of accepting this award is to share at least 7 things about yourself so after giving it some thought, here is what I came up with...

1. I love early childhood education. 

2. I have always wanted to write my own children's music and books but it has taken me years to realize that if I want to do this, I just have to get busy doing it which is exactly what I have been working on.

3. I love having new people join the Teach Preschool fan page although I stay up a lot of late nights trying to field all the questions and finding new ideas to share in order to keep up:)

4. I love the challenge of writing my blog and writing guest posts for others. It makes me feel like I am a real writer!

5. I have one more class to go and then I will be completely finished with my masters degree. Then I can start putting those fancy letters at the end of my name:)

6. My husband and I own a construction company which has really gone through a hard time this past year. But my husband is a survivor and I am here to help him survive. 

7. I have a wonderful family. My husband and I have been married for 26 years now and we have one daughter who is now happily married at age 23. 

 My Family

Thank you Ayn for sharing this award with me! 



  1. I really enjoy learning more about bloggers I admire through these awards. Congratulations on your award - you certainly deserve this.

  2. You have a beautiful family!
    You deserve this award!
    I love to read your blog...I love when you comment on mine...
    Let's face it your a BEAUTIFUL person! =)

  3. Elise and Sherri - you are both just too sweet to me!

  4. congrats on your award!
    I loved learning a bit more about you too. Especially the part of you always wanting to write songs & books. I've come to that same conclusion. Thanks for your great example!


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