
Friday, March 26, 2010

ladybug book for preschoolers to make

With spring coming there are so many wonderful bugs that can be explored. I love to bring in books about bugs and one of my favorites is Eric Carle's "The Grouchy Ladybug" book.

I also love to have my students create their own ladybug book.  Each child is given a red construction paper circle that they can draw dots and other ladybug features. I then ask the children to finish the sentence:

What is your ladybug afraid of?

A Kitten

A Dog

A Spider

A Pencil

A Crab

All the pages were laminated then put together in a little book for our reading center.  This was done over 10 years ago and I kept it for my own collection.   


  1. We love this book in class! :) Every time I read it, though, I lose my voice. I like to make the grouchy ladybug really, really grouchy. :)
    The book idea is really cute!

  2. Too cute! The training I went to this week required each of us to bring in a class made book. I saw some really cute ones! Lamination is always and issue for me, which makes it tough to keep the books for a long time. Love that you kept this one and shared it!

  3. My kids went through a big phase of Grouchy Ladybug, I got to the point I couldn't stand that book.
    However, I love your ladybug activity. I can see why that would be a treasured resource.

  4. We too love Eric Carle's books. The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is our personal favourite ... but please don't tell that to the "Grouchy Ladybug"!

  5. What a great idea! Will do this after we get ladybugs from the nursery.

  6. We have always loved Eric Carle! Some of the very first books that I've read to them and they've read to me were written by him. Now I get to share them again with my new infant! When I was teaching, my students read his books and we wrote letters to him. We've also written our own books with collage style illustrations. I just found your site- came over from one of my favorites- Preschool Playbook.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  7. How sweet! My girls love ladybugs! What a great idea!

  8. Fun idea! The other day at the elementary school I saw that a class of first graders had made a large Grouchy Ladybug with 100 spots!


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