
Monday, March 22, 2010

Making fans with CERIA Preschool

A Guest post from Rahma Dona
CERIA Preschool at Palembang south Sumatra Indonesia

Rahma sent these photos via Facebook and I asked her if I could share them here. What a wonderful thing to see what other children are doing in a country so far away from my own.

Rahma writes: "Make Chiness fan idea from DLTK blog its .Double tape , scissors , ice cream stick , 10x50 cm colourfull paper"

Rahma writes: "It's simple just fold the papers the way you make an origami fan."

Rhama writes:  "I'm so proud that the small village teacher like me could share the joy with all the fellow teachers around the world!"

I love it too!


  1. What a beautiful photo with all of the children proudly showing their fans. The fans look delightful. I am thinking that my mum would love one for Mother's Day. They would make such a delightful handmade gift.

    I read your review on The Amazing Action Alphabet and am now keen to purchase this for my children. Thanks to your review I have also discovered Vanessa's blog - I love learning about new, creative blogs!

  2. No boundaries for inspiring peoples, two thumbs up for Rahma Dona

  3. You know, this is the kind of project I might avoid out of concern that the children wouldn't be able to manage it and get frustrated. Obviously, I would be wrong!

  4. LOL! I know what you mean but Rhama makes it look like fun!

  5. I love seeing what others do in schools around the world. How fun!

  6. Rahma, you can see on the children's beautiful, smiling faces how much they love your school!


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