
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hang onto those lids for your preschool class

Here are a couple of ideas you can do with lids!

by Crafts by Amanda
Use the lids to make your own little math counters!

by Preschool Daze
Use the lids to sort by color!

by Cocukla Cocuk Olun
Hot glue some sponges or foam shapes on the lids to make your own stamps for printing!

Just click on each picture to see the blog post!


  1. These are some great reuse ideas. Thanks for collecting them.

  2. I have a massive collection of lids. Thanks for posting these!

  3. I love these! I always tell my self I need to save our bottle caps and milk jug caps then never do. I guess I am going to have to be more pro-active about it.

  4. Love Cap ideas of all sorts... :-) So many fun things can be done with them!

  5. I love the lids idea. I just linked to your blog from mine. You always have such great ideas that work perfectly for preschooling homeschoolers who don't worry about working out of a textbook or memorizing facts yet at this age. Thanks for all of your tips/ideas!


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