
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bird nests your preschooler can make!

This week was a week about spring and spring always reminds us of birds.
The children made their own little bird nests with eggs.

The children spread glue all over their paper then sprinkles brown confetti strips on top of the glue.

Then the children dipped their finger tips or thumbs into the stamp/ink pad and made little finger/thumb print eggs inside the nest.


  1. This look very tactile and fun for my SMA pt. Can't wait to try it.
    For Nurturing kids. Ms. Dawn, AKA The Singing Nurse.

  2. Nice idea Deborah. Thanks for sharing.
    kisses from Brazil

  3. Those are so cool! =)

    I just got a new "Featured on The Activity Mom" button. Awhile ago I featured your using photos to teach post and I have a few others on my to do list. If you'd like a button, feel free to grab the code from my blog.

    Either way, thank you for such great posts and the inspiration!

  4. I love that I don't see a single adult hand in these pics, Deborah. A truly child focused art activity. I have a few real bird's nests around for inspiration when we try this! =)


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