
Friday, May 21, 2010

Farm Week in Preschool

The children in this class spent the week exploring all about the farm. They explored a variety of activities including how to create the form of a tractor out of shapes.

For sensory, the children drove tractors in (and around) the dirt.

The children discovered the feel and shape of lima beans. The children then added water to their lima beans and let them sit overnight to see what would happen next. The next day, the beans absorbed the seeds and expanded. The children tried to predict what they thought would happen and many of them predicted the beans would get smaller.

Some of the children explored haystacks. The children sprinkled glue and shredded wheat on the print out.

For science, the children made butter from whipping cream. They poured whipping cream in a jar and shook it throughout the morning. After the butter was formed, they poured off the extra milk. Then the butter was refrigerated and later the children put a little of their home made butter on crackers to taste.


  1. What innovative ideas! We love making butter, too. The kids hand get a bit tired from all that shaking but once they tasted the finished product they are ready to do more!

  2. I've started making butter in baby food jars. The kids didn't get so tired and they each had their "own" butter to sample.

  3. Deborah I´m following you in this WONDERFUL blog too....You inspire me.
    kisses from Brazil


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