
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Two year olds and triangles in preschool

The two year olds in this class are exploring triangles. Each child reaches into a bag and selects different colors of triangles they would like to glue to their paper.

While the children work with the glue, the teacher converses with the child. "What color would you like to glue next?" "I see you are creating a pattern - blue, green, blue, green."  "What shape are you holding in your hand?"

The child uses his hands to brush on the glue, turn over the triangles, and tap the triangle down in place. This is a simple process but the objective is to not only present a process that child can enjoy but to also open the door to new learning about shapes, colors, and patterns.

And in the end, the child has a bright, colorful shape picture to display on the wall. Once the picture is displayed, the teachers can again review the beautiful colors, patterns, and shapes.

1 comment:

  1. The gluing process is good for their fine motor skill.
    I found that even K-2, their writings is better than their gluing :)


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