
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Making props for the preschool musical

One of the dances in my preschool program is called Caterpillar Conga and I wanted to have each boy be a part of the caterpillar. I had to choose between a polka-dotted caterpillar, circle caterpillar, or just plain green.

I cut twelve circles out of large sheets of foam board and painted them green!

Here are the circles set up in my garage.

I thought you might like to know that I used rolls of old Christmas wrapping paper to work on.

Here is my Caterpillar all green.

Here is the caterpillar after adding an orange circle to the middle of each green circle!

And here is my caterpillar after adding polka-dots on the green. 

I just love making props!!


  1. Wow, what an artist! I like amking props, too. I guess we are all kids at heart!

  2. I love this idea. Preschoolers need visual props to understand what you want them to learn. Thanks for the great post

  3. I love this method of teaching. Preschoolers need visual to learn faster. Thanks for the great post.


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