
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teachable Moments

Teachable moments are times when something unexpected occurs and the teacher turns the unexpected occurrence into a learning opportunity.

Preschoolers are discovering the world around them. Their natural curiosity and need-to-know creates many opportunities for teachable moments. The teacher has to develop a teaching perspective in order to not miss out on unexpected learning opportunities. Every preschool teacher should have an understanding of what a teachable moment is and how to look at that moment from a teaching perspective.

Teachable Moments: Teaching Perspectives...
  • Arguing and Fighting: A teachable perspective will view arguing and fighting as an opportunity to teach kindness and respect.
  • Spilling a cup of milk: A teachable perspective will view a mishap like this as an opportunity to teach how to hold a cup with two hands or where to set the glass.
  • Throwing paper towels on the floor: A teaching perspective will view this as an opportunity to teach children how to use just one paper towel and how to take care of their world by throwing trash in its proper place.
  • Noticing a bug crawling across the floor: A teaching perspective will view this as an opportunity to explore and discover more about bugs.
Poor behavior, mishaps, and curiosity all lead to teachable moments - the key is keeping a teaching perpective.
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