
Friday, May 8, 2009

Lesson Plans: A Basic Approach

Before writing your next lesson plan, consider the "Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How" approach. For each activity you plan to do, ask yourself the six questions below.

Who are you writing these activities for?
  • The "who" focuses on keeping the lesson plan age appropriate.
What activity are you going to do?

  • The "what" focuses on the specific activities you plan to include.
Where are you going to do the activity?

  • The "where" focuses on the specific location your activities will take place.
When are you going to do the activity?

  • The "when" focuses on scheduling enough time.
Why are you going to do this activity?

  • The "why" focuses on the concepts or skills your students will learn (also called learning objectives).
How are you going to present the activity?

  • The "how" focuses on the children's experience and involvement in the activity.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Deborah J. Stewart; All rights reserved!

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