
Sunday, May 3, 2009

What is a Daily Lesson Plan?

A daily lesson plan is a clearly defined schedule of activities that you plan to implement throughout the classroom day.

Lesson plans come in many formats. Some teachers write their own lesson plans and other teachers follow a lesson plan provided by the school. In either case, the key to success in any classroom is to have a plan.

Just because you have a plan, doesn't mean you can't deviate from that plan. But a well thought out plan for the day helps you prepare for how the children will spend their time and what they will be learning while in your care.

When preparing a lesson plan you should consider the following needs of your students...

  1. Their daily schedule
  2. Their developmental readiness
  3. Their attention spans
  4. Their interests
When preparing a lesson plan you should consider the following environmental needs...
  1. The space in your classroom
  2. Other space in the building available to you
  3. The equipment and supplies you will need
When preparing a lesson plan you should consider the following developmental domains...

  1. Cognitive
  2. Physical
  3. Social
  4. Emotional
When preparing a lesson plan you should consider including the following content areas...

  1. Language art
  2. Creative art
  3. Science and Nature
  4. Math
  5. Social Studies
  6. Music and Movement
  7. Free Play in CentersOutdoor/Indoor Play

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