
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Child friendly dental words

My guest today is Birgit Gajdos. What is super cool about Birgit, is that she is passionate about helping young children have a positive experience when going to the dentist. 

Dental health and oral hygiene is a focus in many classrooms during the month of February so what better way to start off by having a Dental Assistant give you new words to use when taking a child to the dentist....

Click here to order a Tooth Fairy Pillow!

Birgit Gajdos writes....

Teachers and parents can explain dental procedures honestly but avoid using scarey words.  Here are some examples to help children learn what to expect at the dentist. Please help create a good positive experience for children without transfering any of your own dental phobias or negative past experiences onto them.  The terminology you use may make all the difference!

Instead of using word:              Please consider using:

NEEDLE, or shot.....................Sprayer with sleepy juice
Drill........................................... Whistling brush or Mr. Bumpy
Yank or pull out........................ Wiggle a tooth
Plaque, cavity, decay...............Sugar Bugs (eat holes in teeth!)
Examination............................  Count Teeth
Cleaning/polishing...................Tickle the Teeth
Explorer Instrument................. Tooth Counter
Rubber Dam............................ Raincoat
Mouth Mirror.............................Dolly Mirror

Guestblogger: Birgit Gajdos
Certified Dental Assistant
Toothfairy Online

Thank you Birgit for being my guest and sharing your good ideas with us!


Here are a few resources that you might like as you introduce dental health to your preschoolers...

Toothbrush Poster from American Dental Health Association (pdf)
Toothbrushing booklet from Story Time and More!
Lesson Plan Ideas from hummingbird

Dental Health Reminder Poster : Don't forget to recognize dental health assistants like Birgit in March! (pdf)

Article on teeth brushing rules in childcare
Article on new laws for daycares on teeth brushing


  1. I will be using some of these words when we talk about visitng the dentist for the first time.

    How wonderful that you received that precious photo from the classroom in Indonesia. Sharing ideas and resources with fellow bloggers and educators all around the world really is a powerful thing.

  2. Yes it is! I am enjoying the experience for sure:)

  3. ~Flying~ by to say hi and thanks so *fairy* much for this fantastic opportunity to share some "Child Friendly Dental Words." February is National Children's Dental Health Month so your timing is perfect!

    Your friend, The Tooth Fairy


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