
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sharing Ideas in early childhood with people all over the world

The internet has provided the profound platform of being able to share ideas, articles, and resources with early childhood educators and parents from all over the world.

If I would have had the opportunity as a young teacher, I would have loved to travel to other countries around the world and share ideas with other early childhood educators. But for me, the opportunity to travel never presented itself. I think that is why I am now so deeply excited about having the opportunity to share over the internet. 

As many of you know, I not only have two blogs but I also have a Facebook fan page called Teach Preschool and a Twitter profile called Teach Preschool. Essentially, I use these two social networking tools to share ideas that either I have written or others have written with teachers and parents of preschoolers.

Recently, I shared a link to a cute little tiger posted by No Time For Flashcards in celebration of the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Tiger.  To my delight and privilege, a teacher on my Facebook site shared a picture with us from her classroom. She gave me permission to share her pictures with you.

CERIA Preschool at Palembang south Sumatra Indonesia

Is this one of the most adorable pictures? What I found so amazing is that a simple idea was shared on a blog here in the US and someone far away in Indonesia liked the idea, shared it with her students, and then shared a picture with us. This is awesome, cool, amazing, and touches my heart.

Here is the class hard at work...

Pictures submitted by Rahma Dona 

Thank you Rahma for sharing this with us and to No Time For Flashcards for sharing ideas that reach across the world!



  1. Wonderful! Great that you are influencing the development of children all over the word! Congratulations! Good for you! Good for them!
    Penny Bernath -

  2. Agreed Deborah! I love the national and international collaboration the internet makes possible.

  3. Hello! The words are to the tune of The Muffin Man Song.

    Do you know (insert name) Jennifer Smith, Jennifer Smith, Jennifer Smith? Do you know Jennifer Smith. She lives on (insert street name) Hunter Lane.

    Do you know Matthew Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Matthew Johnson? Do you know Matthew Johnson. He lives on McGreggor Court.

    So far we've been able to insert all types of names and it still sounds alright. I am sure there are a few names that are so long they may need to be shortened to just part of the name.

    So glad you can use this :-)

  4. So cool that you are reaching all around the world. Bravo!

  5. Thank you so much! - I am going to add it to the next blog post on the fingerplay blog.

  6. Such a powerful post! It gave me chills. Thank you!

  7. I agree. I never thought I would be learning so much from people all over the world. And I love hearing about people throughout the world so invested in the lives of little ones.

  8. That is amazing to see those pictures! I know I have benefited so much from other people's ideas.
    And feel free to post the Valentine's Day song on your other blog. In fact, I'm going to head over there and see what else you've got!

  9. Oh, I shared that post form No Time for Flash Cards with my son's preschool teachers and they are doing that activity next week. I love it when brilliant moms share ideas so we can all learn and experience new things.

  10. Deborah,

    I follow all of your great posts via Facebook...I get most of them on my phone and can't wait to get to school to look them up. Lately there have been SO many great ones to check out and it is hard to scroll through my there a way to link them through your blog? (Facebook is blocked at school.)

  11. Hi Anonymous:) I never thought about doing that - let me see what I can do. Can you get to twitter? I post almost all the same links on Twitter too! Some are different but I try to post most of the links in both places most of the time. I am not sure how to add them to my blog yet, but let me give it some thought.


I love comments so bring em on! Be sure to leave a name or web address too so I will know who is commenting!