
Monday, February 22, 2010

How many sounds are in your name?

Use a sentence strip to make a name card for each child.

  1. Hold up a name card and say the child's name aloud.
  2. As you say the name, point to each syllable in the child's name.
  3. Have the children clap for each syllable.

Ta   -    be    -    tha        (say it)
clap  -   clap   -   clap     (clap it)
One   -   Two   - Three   (count it)

If a visual is needed...
  1. Take a pair of scissors and cut the card into each syllable section.
  2. Place each section on a chart or board for the children to view as you say, clap, and count the sounds.
  3. Repeat the steps shown above for each child.

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