
Monday, February 22, 2010

Name sensory activities for preschoolers

Create a name sensory card for each of the children in your class and then try the activities described below!

What the teacher will do...

  1. Print each child's name on a sentence strip using upper and lower case letters.
  2. Trace each letter of the name with a thick line of glue.
  3. Set aside to dry.

Activities the children can do once the glue is completely dry...

Letter imprints
The children can place a thin sheet of paper over the dried glue name and using the edge of a crayon, color the paper to leave a print of their name.

Tape the name card to the back of a thin sheet of paper to keep the card from sliding around.

Flip the paper over and color the paper pressing down hard on the name card.

Other Ideas

Name Feeling Game
Place one or two cards in the middle of  a table and see if the children can guess which name is their name by closing their eyes and feeling the letters.
(Provide hints - is your name long or short? How many letters do you feel? How many letters are in your name? What letter does your name start with? Can you feel the beginning letter of your name?)

Name painting
Let the children paint over the dried glue on their name cards with watercolor paints to create a beautiful name card and display the decorated names in the classroom.


  1. More GREAT ideas! Hot glue also works to make a thick line for rubbing and so do Wikki from the Occupational Therapist that works in my room! :)

  2. Brilliant! I want to use all three of these ideas. Love them! Thanks!

  3. Stacey - I think hot glue probably works much better:) I used what I had handy and it worked okay too:)

  4. I love this! I'm thinking about writing something about tactile letters, and I'll be sure to link back here when I do.

  5. I really like this. I'm going to make them for my son and daughter.

  6. Oh, this is a great idea! We will be doing this activity this week. Like Launa said, we will be doing all three activities. I am really looking forward to this. You really are an amazing source for ideas.
    Oh, thank you for linking this to Try and Tell. I am sure everyone will really enjoy doing this at home with their little ones.

  7. I am glad you find it useful:) And I love your Try and Tell!

  8. Wonderful! I think this one would be a fun one to frame for her room one day!

  9. Love it, great idea! We'll be trying this too.

  10. I love this idea, thanks for sharing! I'll definitely be giving it a try...

  11. I love this idea! I can't wait to try it w/ my 2 yo who is really starting to get interested in his name!

  12. Love this! Think with my 9 and 12 year I will adapt this to an art project. Humm... now you have me thinking what we could create...

  13. what a great idea perfect hands on learning for little ones


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