
Thursday, February 25, 2010

More inspiration in early childhood education

I am always inspired by what others do and share with me. A few weeks ago, I posted this little quilted mailbox system that I use in the classroom which led to Danny Chiu, a kindergarten teacher from Jarkarta, Indonesia,  to create one for his students at Regency Kindergarten.

This is my mailbox...

Below is the Regency Kindergarten mailbox. Talk about inspiring!! 

Mr. Chiu indicated that his teachers pitched in to help make the mailbox once he got the design in place. I think it is absolutely awesome. Regency Kindergarten has a blog that I hope you will take a minute to check out! 

Look at all the fine details they put into this!

Thank you Mr. Chiu (Regency Kindergarten) for sharing your wonderful work with me - you inspire me!



  1. thank you, it's an honour for me. Wow you are in my google followers, you break the eggs :). Your ideas will change the world of children's early education. You rule. I hope in the future we will have a "mankind transporting machines" that we can use to meet eachother in one sec. WOOOssshhhhh.................

  2. Great!! I like your idea will it change the Early Childhood Education!!

  3. This is fantastic, kids love giving each other mail and this is such an efficient way for them to organize it. I absolutely adore the green one with all the little kids on each pouch, it's just beautiful!


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