
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Work with children to create name graphs

Help preschoolers learn to recognize their names with these graphing activities. The activity you choose to use will depend on the age and readiness of your students.

When participating in any type of graphing activity, always make sure your students are involved in the process and once the graph is completed, ask the children questions about the graph. Some examples are shown below.  These graphing activities are all shown as floor activities but they can certainly be done on large chart paper or in other formats.

Activity 1: How many letters are in your name?
Review the results of the graph: How many children have three letters in their name? How many children have four letters in their name? And so forth....

Activity 2: How many syllables are in your name?
Review the results of the graph: How many children have one syllable in their name? How many children have two syllables in their name? And so forth....

Activity 3: What letter does your name start with?
Review the results of the graph: How many names start with the letter A, the letter B, the letter C? And so forth.

Activity 4: Boys and Girls
Review the results of the graph: How many boys are in this class today? How many girls are in this class? 

Activity 5: Shortest to Longest
Review the results of the graph: Which names are shorter? Which names are longer? Why are some names shorter? Why are some names longer? How many letters are in the shorter names? How many letters are in the longer names?

Activity 6: Alphabetical Order
Review the results of the graph: Which names are at the beginning of the alphabet? Which names are in the middle of the alphabet? Which names are at the end of the alphabet?


  1. Perfect ideas for graphing with preschool aged kiddos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. We tried your name memory game yesterday and B LOVED it! We played it several times, switched names, and then he made up his own way to play! Today we are doing it with our friends' names. =) Thanks!

  3. Thank you for your feedback on the game! It is one of my favorites too! I am glad B is enjoying it! You really should have taken pictures and posted it in your blog so I could see you all in action:)

  4. Thanks Deborah. You've given me a week's worth of name activities. I love having my curriculum planned for me!

  5. Haha!I had a bunch of ideas handy so thought I would just group them all together.

  6. I love using names - and these ideas are some great ones. Thanks, Deborah.

  7. I love this. I'm going to do this in our preschool homeschool to help her learn the names of our family. Great idea!


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