
Monday, March 8, 2010

Caterpillars in preschool

Be sure to check out the McKlinky Try and Tell Tuesday over at Mom Tried It!

I have a late addition to the post from the other day. The kids wanted to enter the Caterpillar too!

The paper towel squares were laid out in a row on the Glad Press'n Seal wrap.
We used a permanent marker to draw legs, antennae, and a face.

We folded the sealing wrap over the caterpillar.

We cut off the extra sealing wrap from each end then we smoothed out the sealing wrap and pushed out all the air bubbles.

We set the caterpillar on the window.

The light shows through!

The end!


  1. Very cute! We should do some umbrellas or raindrops for our lesson this week!!! Thanks for the great idea!

  2. I love the way you're extending this one simple art project into all kinds of directions. I have a nice stack of designer paper towels that the 2-year-olds did last week. They're too beautiful to cut up! . . . But we might have to!

  3. so adorable, I like the caterpillar's legs L L L L L [:)]

  4. Tom,
    I know what you mean - I hated cutting any of them up too so we saved some out for displaying and cut the rest up. I actually enjoyed seeing the cut up versions once they were put back together for other designs.

  5. Danny,
    That's right:) L is for Legs - haha!

  6. love this idea and how the sun shines through it

  7. I agree with Teacher Tom. You are extending this craft into so many different things and I love it!
    Thank you for linking up. I always enjoy the great things you have to show. :-)

  8. At first glance, I thought you were wrapping the caterpillar up in a cocoon! :)

    p.s. I LOVE Press and Seal, but never thought of using it in the arts. :)

  9. Hmmm, I never thought of making it a cocoon! That is a good idea!!

  10. Those are a lot of fun ideas! I never would have thought of using the Press and Seal that way.


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