
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simple songs for preschoolers

Last week I had the opportunity to present the music I have written with two groups of teachers. 
These two meetings were a good practice run for helping me to prepare for presenting the music at the Indiana State IAEYC conference in April. 

I came to the school early to make sure things were all set up so we could sing and learn as many songs as possible.

I brought hand outs with all the words to each song for the teachers to take home with them.

We sang all evening. This is the very end of our evening where we all joined in the Train Song! 
These teachers were just too much fun!

I admired these teachers as they worked to listen, sing, and learn each of the new songs. On purpose, I am introducing new tunes which is not an easy task. But these teachers sang their hearts out for me.  For those who were struggling with the tunes, I taught them how to chant the words as well as sing them. Ultimately, I hope they will be able to both sing and chant the little songs.  

We also played a few games with the songs and used as many hand and body motions we could think of for every song as well.  

In about three weeks, my first CD with all the songs will be completed and ready to offer online or at my workshops. This will help because the teachers will be able to take the music home with them. For now, many of my simple songs are available on my Little Fingers That Play blog. 

If you will be attending the IAEYC Indiana state conference in April - I hope you will join me on Friday!


  1. Love it, Deborah! Wish I lived in Indiana! You are SO talented. Thank you for sharing your ideas and enthusiasm with other teachers.

  2. Sounds like so much fun!!
    Come to CA ;)

  3. That would be so fun to come to CA!! How about you both come to Indy:) I have and extra room!


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