
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Colorful, creative, and simple art displays

I keep this product in my kitchen cabinet all the time and love it because of its special kind of adhesive ability to wrap up foods with an easy seal. I buy it from the local grocery store or Walmart.

Pull out a length of the sealing wrap and set it out (adhesive side up) on the table.

Decorate the sheet of sealing wrap with tissue paper squares, construction paper squares, or fabric squares.

We used the left over designer paper towel squares we made the other day! We discovered that we can reposition the paper shapes on the sealing wrap as many times as we want until we are happy with our finished shape.

We then folded the edges of the sealing wrap around our shapes to seal in the shape.  

Then we smoothed out the sealed shapes and put them in the window. 

The press'n seal wrapped artwork easily clinged to the windows without any tape. I am not sure how long they will stay there but it was okay for the kids to move them to any window they wanted.

I am just holding this one up!

And this one is just clinging to the window!


  1. I've done this with contact paper, but never thought about Press and Seal. Much easier! Can't wait to try it!

  2. There is simplicity in art...that's what I like about this.

  3. So simple + so effective = perfect toddler craft!

    We love working with wet paper towels here. Actually, my children just love spraying the water, I think the fact that their designs on the paper towel change when it becomes wet is just a bonus for them!

  4. I'm always looking for less messy ideas for the younger age groups. This is great!


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