
Friday, March 5, 2010

Let's talk about communication!

My guest today is Marcy Fox. Marcy is a speech pathologist and one of our fellow bloggers that I really have enjoyed getting to know. We are all challenged to help young children develop their speech and language and Marcy has provided us with some very important information about this process below...

Let's Talk About Communication
By Marcy Fox

With at least 8% of young children having speech or language disorders, you are likely to have students in your classroom who aren’t talking as much as they should, or who don’t sound quite right when they are talking.

Let’s take a look at typical development, starting with some basic definitions:

Language is what we are communicating. It includes words and what they mean, how words and sentences can be put together, and how we communicate with different people—in other words, vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics (how we know how to talk to others) and the rules that control these.

In simple terms, language can be divided into two basic categories:
Receptive Language (the understanding of language) and
Expressive Language (the use of language).

Speech is basically how we talk--that is, how we move our mouth, tongue, lips, teeth, etc. to make sounds (a.k.a. “articulation”), what our voice sounds like or the rhythm of our speech (a.k.a. “stuttering” or “fluency”).

While both speech and language are involved in communication, they are a little bit different.

Of course, all children do develop at their own pace, but we do have some general guidelines about how speech and language develops and what we expect children to be able to do.

Let’s look at a very brief overview of language and speech development:

Babies hear sounds and words in their environment and practice the sounds through babbling. Eventually, their first words come at approximately 12 months. Earliest developing speech sounds include /p, b, m, w, t, d, n and h/ and simple Consonant and Vowel syllables are the easiest. No wonder “mama” and “dada” are common first words!!

Around 18 months, most kids have spoken about 20 words and may be beginning to use simple 2 word sentences, like “want mama” or “go kitty.” Most of their words are nouns followed by verbs. Children are normally 25% intelligible (“understandable”) to their parents.

At 24 months, your student’s vocabulary should have exploded to about 200 words and he or she should consistently use 2 word sentences. Following simple directions (like “clap your hands” or “give me the ball”) as well as pointing to body parts should be pretty easy by now. Mom and dad should understand a 2 year old 50-75% of the time and strangers understand him or her 50% of the time.

At 3 years, your typically developing preschooler uses 900+ words and an average of 3-4 word sentences. He or she follow 2 step directions (“pick up the ball and throw it to Tommy” or “open the door and give me the pencil). Intelligibility typically is 75-100% but should be at least 50% to unfamiliar adults.

Your 4 year old student has a 1500+ word vocabulary and uses longer, more complex sentences, including telling stories and personal events. He or she is able to answer and ask many questions. This student should be fully intelligible to everyone, although not all sounds will be used correctly yet.

As your students turn 5 years old, their conversations become more adult-like and shouldn’t have too many grammatical errors. They should have most speech sounds, except for /s, l, r, th, ch, sh/.

More details
There really are a lot more details that a speech-language pathologist would look at to determine if your student had a speech or language disorder or delay and these are just general guidelines which, if a student is NOT doing, should cause concern. Although there is such a thing as a “Late Talker,” it is better to err on the side of caution and have them seen by a speech-language pathologist. Early intervention can help prevent future difficulties in reading and writing and overall academic performance.

Additional Resources
Lots more information is available, including the wealth of information provided by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Canadian teachers can also get assistance from their national organization, the Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA).  

A little bit about Marcy Fox, M.A. CCC-SP    
I've been a speech-language pathologist for about 11 years. I have worked in both a school and clinic setting with clients ranging in age from 2 all the way to middle school. Early intervention is my favorite, though! 

I currently work within my own preschool special education classroom for 3- and 4-year olds with speech and language delays. Both my students and my beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter, Rachel, are the inspirations for my blog.

Visit Marcy's blog:  Foxy Toy Box

Thank you Marcy for sharing your expertise with us. Please feel free to leave Marcy a comment....



  1. I had no idea a 4 year old has such a wide vocabulary! Wonder how many words I know? :)


  2. That 8 percent sounds about right. Every year we have 1-3 kids who struggle with their speech/language. Some of these kids are so used to not being understood that they rarely speak.

    I've had dozens of kids over the years in speech therapy and every one of them LOVES it! Parents are often overly concerned, but I've found that the professionals not only do a great job of helping kids with their communication skills, but also with their confidence. It's amazing what a little speech therapy can do for a kid.

  3. Our baby girl, Arwen Paris, now 9 month olds.
    Now with two teeth and babbling words (mama , mmma, acha acha, bla bla bla)
    and also the clicking sound that she uses her tounge consistently.
    We as hard as we can, are always beside her every 5 hours a day to communicate,
    And I involve my mom and my dad to communicate with her.
    As my experience in kindergarten, a lot of kids 2,3 year olds when they just begin to school
    They barely can't talk or can't focus to listen. School is very important to developtheir language aand vocab.
    Among with their friends, they can socialize . At home no socialize, especially both their parents have to work 12 hours a day.
    The kids are only with maid or babysitter all they long. So home situations have huge important role about child's speaking development.

    Regards ,


  4. I had two students in my class two years ago that went to speech twice a week.

    The cute blonde was quite gorgeous and like Tom said rarely spoke because she was so hard to understand. One of my fondest memories was during lunch she said, "Mi. Myra, may i hab dum det dup pees?" Usually, I was pretty good at figuring out what she was trying to say...after she'd attempted to tell me for the third time. She flung her arms in frustration and made a "brr, brr" sound while squeezing one hand. My light bulb came on...she was saying, "Mrs. Myra, May I have some ketchup please!" I gave her hugs and told her I was really sorry. We both laughed and she put her hands on her hips and shook her head at me!

  5. I thought 8% seemed low, but that's just because in my "circle" of friends (real life and on line) we talk about it A LOT. My daughter, 3, has apraxia, and it is a big part of my life, though not as much now that she is speaking so much and overcoming it. M goes to a speech and language classroom 4 mornings a week.

    Thank you for an informative post! M is getting closer and closer to those 900 words all the time...even if the average person doesn't understand many of them...let alone her parents!


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