
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rainbows and other colorful ideas from designer paper towels

I am trying to do at least one creative idea a week so I can contribute to the McKLinky over at Mom Tried It! You can go there too and see the action!

I have seen others make this type of activity on their blogs so when my nieces came over, I thought we should try it all out. What we discovered is that this activity (which we now call designer paper towels) is an idea that just keeps on keeping on. So here it goes:)

Setting up
I set out...

  • Newspaper (to keep from ruining my table)
  • Paper towels (the bounty rectangles/half sheets)
  • Paper plates (to put under the paper towels while wet)
  • Washable markers (bright colors work best)
  • Black permanent markers
  • Spray bottle with clean water

The girls use the black permanent marker to draw items like their name or a work that they didn't want to wash out and the colored washable markers for adding color. I had a heck of a time scrounging up markers around the house! Who would have thought a preschool teacher doesn't have markers at home!

Now the girls just started to color on the paper towels. Some are more advanced drawings and others are just colorful scribbles and designs.

Then we sprayed all the designs with water. We found out that at first the colors didn't look like they will spread out that much so the girls added a lot of water. But actually, it just takes a bit for the water to soak in and then the colors will begin to bleed out. No need to over soak it!

The girls love this and they made a ton of them. After each paper towel was sprayed then we set them out to dry overnight. This is when I discovered all the wonderful things you could do with these....

Hang on to all the extra designer paper towels and see what you can do next!

A name plate: tape was added around the edges!

A name scroll with tape and a straw!

Tye Dye Quilt: Several sheets of designer paper towels taped together on the back with name in the center.

The left over designer paper towels were then cut into little squares to try a few more activities!

We thought they would make cool looking rainbows!

Just glue the designer paper towel squares on a sheet of construction paper!

Or add it to a sheet of writing paper then have the children print out a sentence or dictate to you a descriptive sentence.

And one more....

But it will be in tomorrows post - this one is getting way too long. So see the really cool shamrock idea tomorrow! 

By the way: If you tried this idea too, why don't you leave a link in the comments to your post. I can't remember where all I saw the tye dye paper towels at... But thanks to everyone who had this great idea!


  1. what a great idea! I love the tie dye looking ones!

  2. I bet next week your nieces will be begging their mom to come back and play with you again :)
    I haven't seen like this before, very cool !!!

  3. We LOVE washable markers in our house! I'll definitely be trying this one out! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful ideas to USE them too!

    Ann Marie @Household6Diva
    (from Try and Tell Tues)

  4. This is so neat! I have not seen it before. How fun. This is a really neat activity to do during Spring Break.
    Thank you so much for linking up. :-)

  5. Beautiful! I can't wait to see what's else you did.

    I've done a similar thing with coffee filters - but they need lots of time to dry! (Overnight would do it.)

    Thanks for the continued great ideas.

  6. What a great idea!!! This will definitely be one we try!! We have done a lot with the markers on coffee filters, but this would be a nice alternative.

  7. What a fun idea! This would also enhance children's understanding of color mixing and creating new colors.

  8. Looks easy and I think my son would LOVE it! will be doing it soon!

  9. I needed a simple art project yesterday because we otherwise have a rather complicated week, so I used this yesterday.

    We really had a lot of fun with it. I think I'm going to do the same thing again today!

    Thanks, Deborah!

  10. I'm going to try this tomorrow! Love the rainbow.

  11. Deborah, just wanted to update and tell you we did the paper towel project on Friday with a parent helper. THEY LOVED IT!! They want to do more!!! Thank you again. I will post on my blog after we make the rainbow.


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