
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Designer paper towel shamrocks, umbrellas, and a little recycling

To start with, you will need to see how to create the designer paper towels in the previous post. Then you will be all caught up to do this project:)

So now that you have read that post, gather the following items...

  • Your designer paper towel squares (or what ever shapes you cut them up in)
  • Green construction paper
  • glue
  • scissors
  • marker
  • stapler

Get three sheets of green construction paper and then stack them up so they are all nice and neat:)

Put one staple right in the center of all three sheets so they stay together.

Set a stencil (I chose a shamrock) on the paper and draw the shape.  Or you can just let the kids free cut a shape. The key is to keep the paper together with the staple so all three shapes are the same size.

Now cut out the shape then remove the staple from the center. If the children are going to cut through three sheets of paper at once, they will need a good pair of scissors or a little help from an adult!

Now fold the three shapes in half like a book.

Separate the three sheets and add glue to the backside of each one. You will then glue the backs of all three shapes together to make a three dimensional shape or shamrock.

All three shapes are now glued together.

Glue on the designer squares to add some rainbow colors to each shape.

And there you have it! Really, the three dimensional construction paper shapes are good for any object you can cut out! I usually make one for each shape we are learning about to hang up in the room! They look great because all three sides are nice to look at.

Oh, and remember those paper plates we used when making our designer paper towels?

Well we folded some in half.

And made butterflies.

And cut the other ones in half to make umbrellas!

And remember all that newspaper we used? After it dried, I stacked it up to use again. 
No need to waste a thing!


  1. Fun! And I like that you used or saved everything. No waste!

  2. I love the three dimensional shamrock! Thanks for the great ideas.

  3. Those are adorable. Very fun. I found your blot through a comment on preschool playbook- I had to check it out and I'm glad I did.

  4. That's 3 dimensional technic, it's amazing. We can use to any shape. Building shape, tree shape, mountain shape, lamp shape, .... Hmmmm I think I wanna plan to make a city's miniature :)

  5. I love the 3 dimensional aspect--great tip! Thank you!


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