
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Build name recognition with this concentration game

Some names are long and some are short. Play this little concentration game to help your preschoolers recognize their own name and the names of their classmates.

To prepared the game...
  1. Print each child's name (upper and lower case) on a two separate sentence strips.
  2. Cut one name apart leaving one letter of each child's name on a card. 

To play the game...
  1. Mix all the letter cards of each child's name that is participating.
  2. Turn all the letter cards over in the center of the table.
  3. Have the children place their name card in front of them.
  4. Each child takes a turn drawing a card.
  5. If the card they turn over is a letter in his or her name then they keep the card and put it on or under their name card.
  6. Keep playing until everyone has found the letters in their name.

This isn't a win or lose game - the idea is to have the children help each other find, recognize, and build their name one letter at a time!


  1. love this idea! perfect game for us to play today!

  2. Like this activity, Deborah! We've needed an activity for our 3's with name recognition. This is perfect! :) Thanks.

  3. I love love love love it!!! It's just what we need to do, Thank you very much!!

  4. This is exactly the kind of simple, personal game they'll love, Deborah. We'll be playing it next week!

  5. Awesome! I love all things name related!

  6. I love all these great ideas to help little ones recognize their names. We haven't worked with building words with letters yet with LM, and I think his name is a great place to start!

  7. I love this blog! I have never thought of a name concentration/memory game (duh)! I love that it doesn't promote competition either - sometimes it is hard to find games that only focus on personal success or skill building!

    The sharing of ideas is one of the things that makes education so fun!


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