
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Inspiration in early childhood

CERIA Preschool at Palembang south Sumatra Indonesia

Rhama's class is from Palembang south Sumatra Indonesia. Rhama often checks into the Teach Preschool site on Facebook and finds activities to do with her students. Most of these activities are not my ideas, rather ideas from my fellow bloggers. On occasion Rhama will share photos of her class participating in an activity inspired by one of the posts on our wall. Here are a couple of photos Rhama shared with us most recently...

Rhama mentioned in a short note: (Debora , u r my inspiration *) under her photo.  What a blessing that was to me but the reality is, Rhama inspires me!

Thank you to all who share with me your successes at home and at school - I am truly blessed by this.



  1. It's easy to be a critic of the internet and social networking, but it makes connections like this possible. I love how we've all found one another online and inspire each other every day.

  2. I love that you inspire so many people! Including me.


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