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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Preschoolers all grown up!

My preschool students get into my heart from the day they walk into the classroom until the day that they leave my care. It is always so hard for me to let go and I often wonder what will become of them. But the next class comes along and my attention is quickly drawn to the new and charming personalities.

But really, what happened to those preschoolers?

Ryan M.
On a recent trip to the bank, I was making a transaction when a young man walked up to me and asked, "Are you Mrs. Stewart?" "Yes," I replied. He continued, "My name is Ryan M. and I remember you from preschool." As soon as Ryan mentioned his name, I remembered him. I could remember his mother's name, his brother's name, and the kind of child Ryan was as a preschooler. Ryan was now the branch manager of my bank - and to think, I knew him when he was only four!

Katie D.
I was invited to a special event on women's health a few months ago. The co-presenter of this very important cause was Katie D..  She was the pretty little blond hair girl that took the longest naps - we could never get her to wake up. She played hard and slept hard - and to think, I knew her when she was only four!

Wesley C.
I was able to listen to some fabulous musicians at a recent wedding and one of those musicians was Wesley C..  Wesley told me that the one thing he remembered most from being with me was that he loved the sandbox. Today, Wesley can play any instrument you throw at him - and to think, I knew him when he was only two!

Russell C.
My husband and I had an employee that had gotten into a little legal trouble. Eventually the prosecuting attorney for our county had to get involved and he gave me a call. The young man on the phone was Russell C.. During our phone call, Russell told me that the one thing he remembered was the day I filled several glasses of different sizes full of water and then poured them into another glass to show they all had the same amount. He didn't know why, but he remembered that moment as being something really cool. Today, Russell has left the prosecuting office and now works in criminal law - and to think, I knew him when he was only five (or six)!

Deborah, Sammy, Chris, Gina, Taryn, Emily, Cassie....
Each of these preschoolers were in my three and four year old class. Just a few years ago they each graduated and went off to pursue their college careers. I had the privilege of attending some of the graduation open houses. I am certain I will see them again too!

Karena S.
The one preschooler that I have had the greatest pleasure knowing is Karena. I have known her all her life and now she is an aspiring young photographer. She has traveled all over the world - Africa, Egypt, Mexico, and Germany, and all throughout the United States. Karena is my own daughter who is now a married young woman that I am incredibly proud of!

Deborah and Karena

Remember that you set the stage!

As one of the very first teachers in a preschooler's life, you set the stage for their future success in education and in life. You greatly influence your students' love for learning, music, play, friends, creativity, independance, and self-esteem. Be always aware that your role in preschool is significant.

The bond you build with your preschoolers may or may not last a lifetime but your bond will most certainly impact their future. Work diligently to help your preschool students be successful today so they are ready for the possibilities of tomorrow.


Scott said...

It's exciting to think that some of the things kids learned at an early age prepared them for a lifetime of learning. Thanks for reminding us of the results of teaching preschoolers.

Teacher Tom said...

What an inspiring post! My oldest are only as far as 6th grade right now -- 8th if you count my years as a co-op "parent teacher." I can't wait to start meeting them as adults.

Mama King said...

What a beautiful post! As a former teacher I remember so many of my students fondly and love hearing how they are and what they are up to.

Deborah Stewart said...

Moma King: I had fun writing this post and thinking about my preschoolers and what they have become.

Tom and Scott: You will both love it when your preschoolers grow up - I am quite certain they will remember you both always! It is really is an amazing feeling to see them in their jobs, lives, and homes!

Centers and Circle Time said...

It takes a lot to keep me quiet...
What a beautiful post...I'm simply speechless:)

Centers and Circle Time said...

I'm rarely speechless...What a beautiful post, I am speechless:)

Deborah Stewart said...

Myra (centers and circle time): You are so sweet - I am so glad you read my post and liked it. I wanted to post pictures of the "kids" but I didn't have time to ask. I may go back and do it anyway later. Okay - you can't talk now:)

Launa Hall said...

Well, I teared up reading these accounts. What a positive force you have been and continue to be not only in these individuals' lives, but in your community. And, via the internet, all over the world! Both you and your daughter are beautiful--thanks for sharing the photo.

Deborah Stewart said...

Hi Launa,
Thank you for your thoughtful comments - I just discovered your blog the other day. I love the link you provided to the kindermusic blog. I have always wanted to share with other teachers and when I discovered blogging, I was very excited to give it a try. Keep up your good work!

Norma said...

I just can't refrain from being a proud parent. Deb is my daughter and Karena is my granddaughter..Deb is only one of my six children who constantly amaze me. In her field, she has gone beyond anything I ever thought of. She is a born teacher. She taught her youngest brother to read by the time he was four years old..they "played school" Sesame Street style. I could go on forever, but time to quit!

Deborah Stewart said...

Ahh, mom - that is so sweet of you to leave a comment:)

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